Home Surf Better 5 tips for getting out the back from Surf Sistas coaches

5 tips for getting out the back from Surf Sistas coaches

by Surf Sistas

Mastered the white water but struggling to get out the back? Our coaches have helped hundreds of Surf Sistas get out there on our white to green course. Here’s five of their best tips for getting out to those elusive green waves.

Time the sets

If you spend enough time watching the sets come through before you try to paddle out, you’ll know exactly how often a set comes, and how long you’ll have to make it out. Knowing this makes it much easier to make a decision about when to go, and will reduce the chance of starting your paddle out just as a big set rolls in.


Watch the waves before you paddle out

As well as timing the sets, spend some time watching where the waves are breaking before you paddle out. This helps you spot gaps between peaks and see where other surfers are paddling out more easily.


Let the wave roll under you

Learning to get over the waves in the pool

If a wave does come when you’re paddling out, but it’s a white water wave that’s not too big, then often the easiest way to get over it is to just let the white water pass between you and your board. To do this paddle towards the wave then push up into a plank position as the wave goes under you (as demonstrated by Kara in our Costa Rica paddle school!).


Turn your back to the wave

If you don’t think you’ll be able to push up over the wave, another option is to sit back on the tail of your board, turn your back to the wave and hold on tight! This shouldn’t push you too far back to shore, so you can then quickly turn around and keep on paddling.


Learn to turtle roll

Often the best way to get through waves when you’re paddling out is to learn to turtle roll. Turtle rolling is easier than it looks once you get the hang of it!

Paddle towards the wave then pull on your rail to flip your board so you’re upside down underneath it. Hold on tight and pull your board towards you until you feel the wave has passed, then you can do the move in reverse and pull yourself back up onto your board.


Good luck on the next paddle out Sistas! Let us know how you get on, and if you’d like some more tips on mastering green waves, come along to our next white to green course this summer.

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